Hand Held Refractometer

Hand Held Refractometers
The Hand Held Refractometers are specially designed for measuring the concentration of many kinds of solution listed as following: Juices, Beverages, Honey, Salt water, Brine, Cleaning fluid, battery fluid, Antifreeze and Industrial fluids etc. And they can also test for the proportion of the water-soluble solution. They can be easily used and they are competitive in price. You only need to drop some liquid on the prism and then make it towards to the sunlight. Then the reading of the concentration will appear. ATC means Automatic Temperature Compensation.
1. For Brix

Model Range Resolution Accuracy
RHB-80ATC Brix 0~80% 0.5% ±0.5%
RHB-90ATC Brix 0~90% 0.5% ±0.5%
RHB-90S Brix 0~42; 42~71; 71~90% 0.2% ±0.2%
RHB-80S Brix 0~50; 50~80% 0.2% ±0.2%
RHB-10ATC Brix 0~10% 0.10% ±0.10%
RHB-18ATC Brix 0~18% 0.10% ±0.10%
RHB-20ATC Brix 0~20% 0.10% ±0.10%
RB-32ATC Brix 0~32% 0.20% ±0.20%
RHB-50ATC Brix 0~50% 0.5% ±0.5%
RHB-62ATC Brix 28~62% 0.2% ±0.2%
RHB-82ATC Brix 45~82% 0.5% ±0.5%


2. Beer Refractometer 

Model Rang  Min.Div. Accuracy
AMR008 Brix: 0~32% 0.2% ±0.2%
SG: 1.000~1.120 0.001 ±0.001

3. Salinity Refractometer

Model Range Resolution Accuracy
RHSA-4ATC Salinity 0~40‰ 1‰ ±1‰
Gravity 1.000-1.030 0.001 ±0.001
RHS-10ATC Salinity 0~100‰ 1‰ ±1‰
Gravity 1.000-1.070 1‰ ±1‰
RHS-10BATC Brix 0~10% 0.2% ±0.2%
Salinity 0~100‰ 1‰ ±1‰
Gravity 1.000-1.070 0.001 ±0.001
RHS-28ATC Salinity 0~28% 0.2% ±0.2%
RHS-28BATC Salinity 0~28% 0.2% ±0.2%
Brix: 0~32% 0.2% ±0.2%
RHS-35ATC Salinity 0~35% 0.5% ±0.5%

Note: RHSA-4ATC popular for aquarium; RHS-35ATC popular for food indstry.

4. Clinical Protein Refractometer

Model Range Resolution Accuracy
VUR1T Serum Protein 0~12g/dl ±0.2 ±0.2
Urine Gravity 1.000~1.040sg 0.002 ±0.002
VUR2T Serum Protein 0~12g/dl 0.2 ±0.2
Urine Gravity 1.000~1.050sg 0.002 ±0.002
Refractive Index1.3330~1.3600RI 0.0005 ±0.0005
VUR3T Serum Protein 0~12g/ml 0.2 ±0.2
Urine Gravity 1.000~1.050UG 0.002 ±0.002
Refractive Index:1.3330~1.3600nD 0.0005 ±0.0005
VUR4T Serum Protein: 0~12g/dl 0.2 ±0.2
Urine Gravity 1.000~1.040UG 0.002 ±0.002
Refractive Index1.3330~1.3600nD 0.0005 ±0.0005


5. PET (CAT, DOG) Clinical Protein Refractometer

Model Rang  Min.Div. Accuracy
AMR016 Serum Protein/Plasma: 2-14gms/100ml 0.1 ±0.1g/dl
Cat Urine Gravity: 1.000-1.060 0.001 ±0.001sg
Dog Urine Gravity: 1.000-1.060
6. Automotive AdBlue / DEF Urea Concentration Test Meter 

Model   Range     Min Div.    Remark 
   AMR001       Urea: 0~40% 0.2%    ATC, Urea 32.5%
AMR002 Urea: 0~40% 0.2% ATC, Urea 32.5%
   EG: -60°F ~ 32°F 10°F ATC
PG: -50°F ~ 0°F 10°F
AMR003 Urea: 0~40% 0.2%
EG: -50°C ~ 0°C 5°C
PG: -50°C ~ 0°C 5°C
CW: -40°C ~ 0°C 10°C
AMR004 Urea: 30-35% 0.2%
EG: -50°C ~ 0°C 5°C
PG: -50°C ~ 0°C 5°C
CW: -40°C ~ 0°C 10°C
   BF: 1.10 ~ 1.40Kg/L    0.01Kg/L

7. Milk Refractometer

Model Range Min. Div. Remark
AMR005 Soy Milk: 0-25% 0.5% ATC
Brix: 0-32% 0.2%
AMR006 Water in Milk: 0-20% 0.2% ATC

8. Battery/Antifreeze/Cleaning Fluid Refractometer

Ethylene Glycol: -84° F-32°F
Propylene Glycol:-60° F-32°F
Battery: 1.100-1.400sg
Ethylene Glycol: 5°F
Propylene Glycol: 5°F
Battery: 0.01sg
Ethylene Glycol: ±5° F
Propylene Glycol: ±5° F
Battery: ±0.01sg
Ethylene Glycol:-60°C-0°C
Propylene Glycol:-50°C-0°C
Battery: 1.100-1.400sg
Ethylene Glycol:5°C
Propylene Glycol:5°C
Ethylene Glycol:±5°C
Propylene Glycol:±5°C
Battery: 1.100-1.400sg
Ethylene Glycol: -50°C-0°C
Propylene Glycol: -50°C-0°C
Cleaner: -40°C-0°C
Battery: 0.01sg
Ethylene Glycol:5°C
Propylene Glycol: 5°C
Cleaner: 5°C
Battery: ±0.01sg
Ethylene Glycol: ±5°C
Propylene Glycol: ±5°C
Cleaner: ±5°C
B: 1.000~1.400sg
A: 0%~100%
F: -60°C~0°C

9.  Brake Fluid Checker

Model Range Min.Div. Remark
DOT3: 1-6% Moisture
          Boiling Point: 250-500°F
Super DOT3: 1-6% Moisture
          Boiling Point: 250-570°F
1% ATC
DOT3: 1-6% Moisture
          Boiling Point: 125-275°C
Super DOT3: 1-6% Moisture
          Boiling Point: 150-275°C
1% ATC

10. Alcohol Refractometer 

Model Range Min.Div. Accuracy
RHW-80 w/w: 0-50%, 50-80% 0-50%: 1%; 50-80%: 2.5% ±1%

11. Refractive Index

Model Range Min.Div. Accuracy
VND1 nD.1.333-1.520 0.001 ±0.002 ATC
VND2 nD.1.333-1.380 0.001 ±0.002 ATC
VND4 nD.1.435-1.520 0.001 ±0.002 ATC

12. Bee Honey Refractometer

Model Range Min.Div. Accuracy
RHH13-25 water: 13-25% water:0.1% water:±0.1%
RHH12-30 water: 12-30% water:0.1% water:±0.1%
Brix: 58-92%
Baume: 38-43Be’
water: 12-27%
Brix: 0.5%
Baume: 0.5Be’
Water: 1%
Brix: ±0.5%
Baume: ±0.5Be’
Water: ±1%
Brix: 58-90%
Baume: 38-43Be’
water: 12-27%
Brix: 0.5%
Baume: 0.5Be’
Water: 1%
Brix: ±0.5%
Baume: ±0.5Be’
Water: ±1%

13. Wine Refactometer

Model Range Min.Div. Accuracy Remark
Alcohol 0-25%VOL
Alcohol 0.2%
Alcohol ±0.2%
Baume 0-20Baume Baume 0.2 be° Baume ±0.2 be°
RHW-25ATC Alcohol 0-25% Alcohol 0.2% Alcohol ±0.20% ATC
Alcohol 0-25%VOL
Alcohol 0.2%
Alcohol ±0.2%
Brix 0-40% Brix 0.2% Brix ±0.2%
Brix 0-32%
Brix 0.2%
Brix ±0.2%
Oechsle 30-140°Oe Oechsle 1.0°Oe Oechsle ±1.0°Oe
Brix 0-32%Mas Sacch
Brix 0.2%
Brix ±0.2%
Oechsle 0-140°Oe
Oechsle 1.0°Oe
Oechsle ±1.0°Oe
KMW 0-27°(Babo)
KMW 0.2°
KMW ±0.2°
Brix 0-44%
Brix 0.4%
Oechsle: 2.0°Oe
KMW: 0.4°
Brix: ±0.4%
Oechsle: ±2.0°Oe
KMW: ±0.4°
Oechsle: 0-190°Oe
KMW: 0-38°(Babo)

14. Emulsion Reractometer

Model Range Min.Div. Accuracy
AMR011 M10: 0~15% 0.5% ±0.5%
MDT: 0-15%

15. Contact Lens Refractometer

Model Range Min.Div. Accuracy
AMR012 35~80% 1% ±1%

16. IPA (Iso-Propyl Alcohol)  Refractometer

Model Range Min.Div. Accuracy
AMR015 0~60% (v/v) 1% ±1%
-23°C~0°C 1°C ±1°C